possibly neurological?

Didier A. Depireux didier at Glue.umd.edu
Mon Jan 4 17:09:30 EST 1999

Alison McCarthy (OMadison at email.msn.com) wrote:
: I have had "episodes" for the last four months - where I get extreme fatigue
: and my legs don't work.  Somehow my legs don't connect to my brain.  It
: starts in the area of muscle right above my knee caps and I limp. It's not
: so much painful as it is just plain weird.

With no medical training whatsoever, I would venture to suggest you had
what my sister-in-law had, the Guillain-Barre syndrome. In addition, she
occasionally had tingling sensations in her legs. From what I remember
reading in a book at the time, it tends to affect mostly women in their
20's-30's, but of course it's been years and I might be totally wrong.  But
hey, this is the Internet, you don't need to know anything to express an


Didier A Depireux                              didier at isr.umd.edu
Neural Systems Lab                 http://www.isr.umd.edu/~didier
Institute for Systems Research          Phone: 301-405-6557 (off)
University of Maryland                                -6596 (lab)
College Park MD 20742 USA                     Fax: 1-301-314-9920

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