Dirk Wessels wrote:
>> Eugene Leitl wrote:
>> > This is off-topic for bionet.neuroscience, but there are things like
> > true randomness (from quantum noise) and then there is nonpredictable
> > determinism.
>> It is not off-topic, if you include "micro-tubes" (or what were they
> called again,those bundled small atomic sized tubes of carbon).
> These are supposed to be inside every cell of the body,
> and appear very frequent in neurons. Besides that the little tubes
> called
> DNA-molecules are also small enough.
>> The quantum states of many of these tubes may work together, and
> increase the area that depends on "quantum randomness".
> Especially if they have the same direction and form.
> It is then more likely that "the quantumstate" will then be shared
> among the many tubes.
>> But then again, it is not "nice" to talk about quantum-effects in
> this newsgroup, because almost no neuro-scientist will be able
> to understand what kind of effects this may have.
>> Greetings,
> Dirk