Faculty Positions

Vasant Honavar honavar at cs.iastate.edu
Mon Jan 4 19:27:23 EST 1999

Hi. There are multiple (4-5) tenure track faculty positions in AI
(broadly interpreted -- including neural nets, machine learning, agents,
evolutionary computing, multi-agent systems, planning, data mining, 
information retrieval, natural language processing, etc.) and related
areas of computer science at ISU. Applications for 1-2 year visiting
positions are also welcome. Of particular interest are candidates 
whose research interests complement existing research strengths in 
the department. Applicants interested in interdisciplinary research
in computational sciences and engineering, complex adaptive systems,
computational neuroscience, cognitive science, bioinformatics, 
internet-based information systems, intelligent design and
manufacturing systems, and related areas are also encouraged to apply.

The official ad is appended below.

Best regards,
Vasant Honavar



We seek outstanding applicants for tenure-track
faculty positions at the Assistant Professor level.  
We are looking for individuals in all areas, but
preference will be given to computer scientists
in the areas of artificial intelligence, networks, databases, 
and programming languages.  Interdisciplinary
research is a plus, but not required.  The positions require 
a PhD in Computer Science or a related field, strong evidence of research
scholarship and funding potential, and interest and ability in 
teaching graduate and undergraduate students.

The department currently consists of 15 full-time faculty and offers
BS/MS/PhD programs.  There are approximately 660 undergraduate and 
110 graduate majors.  Established research and educational programs 
in our department include artificial intelligence, software engineering, 
theory of computation, VLSI, design and analysis of algorithms, database,
parallel and distributed computing, programming languages, operating systems, 
computer architectures and communication networks.  We place strong
emphasis on research, support a high quality graduate program and 
provide a teaching load of three courses per year.  Research collaboration
opportunities exist with other research units at ISU, such as Ames
Laboratory (US Dept. of Energy) and Visualization Laboratory (College
of Engineering).

ISU is located in Ames, a city with a population of 50,000 and a 
secondary school system that ranks as one of the best in US. For 
more information, please refer to our WWW page 

Applicants should send a curriculum vita, including names of three
references, to Chair of Search Committee, Department
of Computer Science, Iowa State University, Ames, IA  50011. Fax:
(515)294-0258, Tel: (515)294-4377, Email: lmiller at cs.iastate.edu.

The deadline for applications is January 15, 1999, or until the
position is filled. ISU is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Employer.  Women and minorities are particularly encouraged to apply.

Applications for visiting positions will also be considered.

Vasant Honavar
Associate Professor 
Department of Computer Science 
226 Atanasoff Hall 
Iowa State University 
Ames, IA 50011-1040

email, honavar at cs.iastate.edu
voice: 515 294 1098
fax:   515 294 0258 
www:   http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~honavar/aigroup.html 

Current Affiliations:
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Director, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Associate Professor, Neuroscience
Member, Iowa Computational Biology Laboratory
Member, Iowa Complex Adaptive Systems Program
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Cognitive Systems Research

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