DK wrote:
> [... ken collins wrote:]
> >Try typing while dancing a jig... tough row to hoe. The neural dynamics
> >which elicit behavior of one's legs (trunk, arms hands, head, eyes
> >(everything)) are participating in one's typing by just adding what's
> >necessary and, otherwise, doing as little contrary stuff as possible. In
> >such, everything is 100% active, even though every dynamic that each
> >thing is capable of is not being, simultaneously, output.
>> As I told the other fellow who pointed this out (by the way, I know someone
> who undoubtedly could dance a jig and type at the same time--but not very
> well) [...]
> [...]
> Unless, of course (Devil's advocate here) we edit these gaps out through
> association, like the sound of blood in our ears. I don't really think so,
> but one can't deny the possibility.
It's verifiably so as you say, within all neural dynamics. The way the
dynamics you describe permeate nervous system function is why NDT is,
and the "Automation of Knowing..." doc (AoK which introduces NDT) is
written, completely interms of abstract TD E/I-minimization (the
minimization of the topologically-distributed ratios of excitation to
inhibition). TD E/I is the Language of the nervous system. All
processing within the nervous system occurs in this abstract Language.
All behavioral manifestations are translations of abstract TD E/I which
are, at least, once-removed from the abstract TD E/I Language of the
nervous system.
I've not yet found any limit on the "orders of removal" inherent in
high-"level" neural dynamics. Each "subsystem" does its own
"translation". The activation of the legs and feet, for (Trivial)
instance, needs to be qualitatively-different than the activation of the
arms and hands, so there's a lower-limb "translation" and an upper-limb
"translation". Yet, both of these higher-"level" "translations" must
both be fully-synchronized (type II, AoK, Ap5) with =the= Language of
the nervous system, or consciousness dis-integrates. If it's at the
body-environment interface, it's functionality incorporates its own
"translation" of the TD E/I abstract Language. So do the internal
organs. And within consciousness, itself, there are myriad "cognitive"
The natures of these translations can be, literally, read from the
neural topology. Their stuff is all "just" Geometrical transformations
which "steer" energy gradients.
Throughout all of this cross-talk among all these "translations",
=everything= reduces to the =one= abstract TD E/I Language. And to the
degree that TD E/I is minimized, the supersystem's functionality is
optimized... and everything is continuously aware of everything else...
...which one would immediately notice if, for instance, the sound of
one's blood rushing through one's veins, or anything else, suddenly
became absent from the mix. It's why folks know that they must visit
their Doctors... even if it's just the flu or a cold, the correlated
modifications to the one abstract TD E/I Language "sound the alarm".
See the 100% in all of this. Cheers, Katrina, ken collins
> [...]
> Agreed--I've been arguing *against* it all this time anyway.
> --Katrina