University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee solicits applications for a tenure-track
position in MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE. We seek an Assistant
Professor with postdoctoral experience and strong training
in molecular biology that will complement the research
interests of current faculty in cellular/developmental neurobiology,
behavioral neuroscience, or neuroendocrinology. We expect the
successful candidate to establish an independent, extramurally
funded research program and contribute to departmental teaching.
Send a current curriculum vita, a concise statement of research
and teaching goals, and three letters of recommendation to:
Chair, Molecular Neuroscience Search Committee
Department of Biological Sciences, Box 413
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Applications must be received by February 19, 1998 for full
consideration. The names of those applicants who have not
requested that their identity be withheld and the names of all
finalists will be released upon request. The University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative
Action Employer.
sci.psychology.research is a moderated newsgroup.
Before submitting an article, please read the guidelines which are posted
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Submissions are acknowledged automatically.