I'm looking for Kainate.

dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi
Tue Jan 5 04:04:41 EST 1999

Cijadrachon <cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> >jooyong at HYMAIL.HANYANG.AC.KR (ÌÁÖ¿µ) wrote:
> >Kainate is using to induce seizure in laboratory animals in many lab. (...)

> So that you can cause others seizures and mess up the brains of
> persons from other races? 

Kainate can also be used in minute amounts to stimulate neurons in
culture or in small groups of neurons with the aid of microinjections
into the brain (of innocent experimental animals); in bigger amounts it
destroys neurons (and can be used to induce very small lesions in the
brain (of innocent experimental animals) in order to study the effect of
inhibiting (permanently) that small group of neurons. It is thus a
widely used general experimental tool that has other actions than 
inducing seizures. (Disclaimer: despite my various activities in the 
past, I happen to have no personal experience with kainate).

Dag Stenberg

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