I don't know if your quotes are accurate, but Pribram did strongly
espouse what he referred to as a "holographic" hypothesis. This was at
least back in the 1970's. I learned of it while in Grad School
(non-degree candidate) back then, perhaps in writings by Michael Arbib.
ken collins
Thiele Everett wrote:
>> Please excuse me if this is not the right place to
> post this question.
>> I am translating a book from Swedish into English which
> includes a couple of short quotations by Karl Pribam (In Swedish).
> It would seem flakey to me to just translate them back into
> English, rather than finding the original quotes and
> using them. But living where I do, I don't have access to a good
> library and I'm in a hurry.
>> So, does anyone recognize these sentences and terms
> provisionally translated back into English? And could
> anyone provide me with the actual quotations and
> references to where they are from? (They sound like
> they could be from a talk)
>> Something like:
>> "In the holographic state -- in the zone of frequencies -- maybe four
> thousand years ago is tomorrow"
>> and, perhaps from the same text:
>> "Don't think I understand all this either"
>> He uses terms like: "the holographic state/condition" ?
> "the frequency area/zone/region" ?
>> and possibly: "the holographic paradigm"
>> Are these right?
>> Many, many thanks if anyone can get me the exact quotations.
> Pls reply by e-mail.
>> --Rett