Neuroscience site

charade neuroscience.guide at miningco.comREMOVEME
Tue Jan 5 11:09:08 EST 1999


I maintain a Neuroscience site at The Mining Co.  The site is designed
to be a useful resource for information on the internet that is related
to neuroscience and neurological issues.  It has original feature
articles on a wide range of topics and pages of annotated links to
other neuroscience-related sites on the net.

The site is located at:  http://neuroscience.miningco.com/

Rich Schuerger


Richard Schuerger
Northwestern University                      Voice: (312)503-9810
Dept. of Physiology M211                       FAX: (312)503-5101
303 E. Chicago Ave.,  Chicago, IL 60611

Today's Quote (#426)

Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of
    - John Dewey, 1859-1952

Surf Usenet at home, on the road, and by email -- always at Talkway.

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