Brain Use/40 hertz

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Wed Jan 6 10:56:16 EST 1999

Hi, Mark.

Mark James wrote:
> [...]

> Although the 10% figure was probably chosen because of its
> roundedness rather than because of any scientific evidence,
> I think it is plausible that most of us use only a fraction
> of our brain's capacity.

In refering to [information-handling] "capacity", you make the correct
distinction, which had been missing from the oft-repeated "10%"

Everything about nervous system function is of exceeding importance
because folks "move toward" the stuff of off-the-cuff statements that
provide convenient "excuses" for "moving away from" the work inherent in
neural information processing... the work inherent in "thinking". And,
to the degree that the stuff of such "excuses" displaces the work
inherent in "thought", everything within Human endeavor becomes,
commensurately, less than it can be.

It's all so very-Serious be-cause the stuff of the "excuses" includes
resort to force which Ravages Lives all over the place, and "policies"
such as "containment", which flat-out codifies the Abandonment of
"thought" in favor of rigorous prejudice toward that which is
merely-Familiar, typically, leading to stalemate within Human endeavor.
And stalemate ("behavioral stalling" and its correlates, AoK, Ap5, Ap7,
Ap8) is the hallmark of monotonically-augmenting TD E/I, which can
=only= lead to the activation of the low-"level" supersystem
configuration mechanism ("amygdalar dynamics, Aok, Ap5), during which,
to the degree of such, the Biology, itself, "agrees" to Abandon
"thought", and behavior goes stereotypically-automatic, always with
Ravaging consequences such as those that our media-bourne minds
witnessed in "Yugoslavia".

> Even if no area of the brain is "dormant", and all neurons get
> regular workouts, there can still be vast unused synaptic
> capacity. Vast numbers of possible memories, represented by
> combinatorial activation of sets of neurons, just never become
> activated.

Yes. It's a fundamental essence of the Human Tragedy that folks Choose
to allow the information-processing dynamics run-on Chaotically, rather
than doing the work inherent in augmenting information-processing
capacity (which is not only "synaptic capacity", BTW).

One thing that had not been comprehended with respect to such is that
any relatively-unfamiliar thing, when attempted, can only take the form
of relatively-awkward behavioral manifestations (be-cause the TD
E/I-minimization mechanisms (AoK) have just not had enough "time" to
operate upon its underpinning relatively-disordered neural dynamics).
Throughout History, such behavioral "awkwardness" has evoked a primitive
"predatory" response (akin to the dynamics in which a fish's swimming
"funny" declares it to be "lunch" for "normal" fish). It's a Sorrow
that, in "modern times", this primitive predatory reflex has become a
Celebrated thing. This's all upside-down-and-backward ("inverted", AoK,
Ap4, Ap5, Ap7, Ap8) with "respect" to all higher-"level"
information-processing that Humans are capable of. The predatory stuff
is cheap in terms of information-processing correlated work. The
problems inherent are myriad, including the fact that these predatory
dynamics are counter-evolutionary... that is, they Choose to impose
Primitiveness upon all of Humanity. There's no "mystery", here. Progress
is a thermodynamic. No work, no progress. Cheap predation, inflicts the
"state" of there being no progress upon Humanity... it's another route
to the stalemate which precipitates the low-"level" supersystem
configurations which precipitate behavioral conflagration.

But look and see, in what amounts to a cheap interpretation of
evolutionary theory, cheap predation has become the "celebrated" thing.
It's the work of the "Beast", "Abstract Ignorance... the absence of
understanding of how nervous systems process information. Cheapness^2.
It's a Sorrow.

So anything that bears the can-only-be stamp of "awkwardness" (which is
always the case when things are unfamiliar) gets stomped-on by the folks
who opt for cheapness-in-"thought", making the work inherent in bringing
the unfamiliar stuff forward.

Look and see, in such, everyone is Victimized by the "Beast", Ignorance.

> I think we could all stuff in many more memories. It's just
> not essential for most people's lives.  Watching a concert
> pianist always leaves me in awe of the learning capacity of
> the human brain -- Mark

Me too. ken collins

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