Brian Sandle wrote in message
>Having said that, there
>: are rare side effects to mepivacaine that could explain those feelings.
>>I would appreciate any refs.
I was using Lexicomp's "Drug Information Handbook for Dentistry." The
adverse effects they list, however, are "directly related to the blood
levels of the local anesthetic" (probably not enough in the dental setting).
One of the adverse effects they list are "Psychogenic reactions." I'll
include a direct quote of "psycogenic reactions":
"It is common to misinterpret psychogenic responses to local anesthetic
injection as an allergic reaction. Intraoral injections is perceived by
many patients as a stressful procedure in dentistry. Common symptoms to
this stress are sweating, palpitations, hyperventilation, generalized pallor
and a fainting feeeling."