Grandiosiity and "double-bind"

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Wed Jan 6 22:29:54 EST 1999

More "private" language (personal, secret definitions)?  Classically,
"double-bind refers to patterns of communication/interaction in which
(1) verbal and nonverbal messages contradict each other, and (2) there
is some constraint ("taboo") against acknowledgement of the

 Not familiar with either of these conditions being met in any recent
post, so cannot imagine what is meant by use of the term in kkollin's
post--maybe this is some kind of "battery"? (I'll call it this since
kkollins has usurped normal use of the term "libel").

Or maybe it's just careless "writing"...

F. LeFever

In <3692F72A.D3B94940 at pop3.concentric.net> kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
>The post was, like the double-bind-stuff from some others, including
>yourself, a blatent attempt to ab-use NDT's understanding... just one
>more Jackass thing piled onto the understanding's just-becoming-ness.
>I'm not surprised to hear of your "support" for its position, Mr.
>K. P. Collins
>F. Frank LeFever wrote:
>> I have to admit I agree with Cijadrachon in most of this.  (Her
>> criticism of my post perhaps suffers from her not understanding its
>> context)
>> [...]

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