Chimeric Faces

Matthew Hoptman hoptmm01 at popmail.med.nyu.edu
Thu Jan 7 02:21:58 EST 1999

    You may wish to write to Dr. Jerre Levy at the Department of Psychology, University
of Chicago.  She and her laboratory developed the chimeric faces task.  Dr. Levy was my
dissertation advisor, and we even published on the topic comparing asymmetries for
cartoon vs. real faces.   Another person who worked on chimeric faces in Dr. Levy's lab
is Dr. Karen Luh who is at the Department of Psychology, University of
Wisconsin--Madison, Madison, WI.   Good luck, and congratulations on starting in
research during high school.
-- Matthew Hoptman, Ph.D.

JaxWendy at AOL.COM wrote:

> To Whom it May Concern:
>         Hello.  My name is Jackie Ardam.  I am a sophmore at Commack High School, on
> Long Island.  I participate in a before-school science research program every
> morning.  I am interested in doing a project on hemispheres of the brain,
> using an experiment with chimeric faces.  I would greatly appreciate if you
> could send or e-mail me any information of materials about the chimeric faces
> experiments.  Thank you very much for your time.
> Sincelely,
> Jackie Ardam
> JaxWendy at aol.com

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