Chimeric Faces

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Wed Jan 6 23:48:54 EST 1999


Why not "chiral"?

Why not "symmetry"? 

ken collins

Matthew Hoptman wrote:
> Hi,
>     You may wish to write to Dr. Jerre Levy at the Department of Psychology, University
> of Chicago.  She and her laboratory developed the chimeric faces task.  Dr. Levy was my
> dissertation advisor, and we even published on the topic comparing asymmetries for
> cartoon vs. real faces.   Another person who worked on chimeric faces in Dr. Levy's lab
> is Dr. Karen Luh who is at the Department of Psychology, University of
> Wisconsin--Madison, Madison, WI.   Good luck, and congratulations on starting in
> research during high school.
> -- Matthew Hoptman, Ph.D.
> JaxWendy at AOL.COM wrote:
> > To Whom it May Concern:
> >
> >         Hello.  My name is Jackie Ardam.  I am a sophmore at Commack High School, on
> > Long Island.  I participate in a before-school science research program every
> > morning.  I am interested in doing a project on hemispheres of the brain,
> > using an experiment with chimeric faces.  I would greatly appreciate if you
> > could send or e-mail me any information of materials about the chimeric faces
> > experiments.  Thank you very much for your time.
> >
> > Sincelely,
> > Jackie Ardam
> > JaxWendy at aol.com

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