DK wrote:
>> [...]
>> Here, I thought of an analogy: right now I am using 50% of my limbs, because
> I am typing but sitting. I do not describe my legs as "dormant", even though
> they are not in use at this moment, nor do I say that I only use 50% of my
> limbs, even if I had a tendency to only use two at a time.
Try typing while dancing a jig... tough row to hoe. The neural dynamics
which elicit behavior of one's legs (trunk, arms hands, head, eyes
(everything)) are participating in one's typing by just adding what's
necessary and, otherwise, doing as little contrary stuff as possible. In
such, everything is 100% active, even though every dynamic that each
thing is capable of is not being, simultaneously, output. It's
cross-correlated co-operation not independent operation. All this
reduces to the fact that "randomness" is devoid of information content.
To the degree that "randomness" is minimized within the neural dynamics,
behavioral by-production is optimized ("finitization", AoK, Ap4).
All those quiescent neurons are "just" "good soldiers", actively doing
their parts in the manifestation of behavior's unfolding. If they
weren't, "consciousness" would have detectable "holes" in it.
The "% brain use" Q is the unfortunate thing, born in ignorance, that
must be relegated to the scrap heap. ken collins
> [...]