On the line or over the line?

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Sun Jan 3 22:32:22 EST 1999

all this from one who uses a pseudonym :-)

Krakatoa wrote:

> Basically, the people in this newsgroup (including myself) have tried to
> be fair to you, 

There're folks in this Newsgroup to whom what you say applies, but it
doesn't apply to you.

> but you have totally taxed everyone's patience in a number of ways:
> 1) you insist on being heard, despite not listening to anyone. 

You cannot give an example of a response to another's post, posted by
me, that has not explicitly addressed the stuff of the other's post.

> Mainly this
> is accomplished by posting 5 messages, usually off-topic, 

I do respond to my own posts. In doing so, I expand the discussion I've
already posted. The topic, Neuroscience, requires such because it's
ramifications extend into all things human. Not doing such would be an
afront to the Science. The nature of my work, being a unified theory of
nervous system function, cognition, affect and behavior, requires that
all the ramifications be discussed.

> but usually so
> nonsensical they cannot be determined to be off topic or on topic, to
> every message.

I am not responsible for the content of your Education, and what it
allows you to comprehend and what it leaves you blind to.

> This sort of drops the signal to noise ratio for the entire
> newsgroup to the minimum.

As I've repeatedly explained, I'm writing for those who've been
following a decade long discussion. My work is big. I cannot begin anew
with every msg I post.

> 2) you are extremely arrogant and insulting. 

I understand it's so, and such gives me Sorrow. It's "just" that, as
I've explained repeatedly, all my attempts to communicate my Science
without calling folks in Neuroscience to task, had just been brushed
aside. So it became clear to me that I had to educate folks in more ways
than one.

> You insult legitimate scientists by suggesting they misrepresent data 

You cannot show me any msg in which I did such.

> and steal people's ideas (including your own).

Yeah, but I've never exposed individuals. 

> You also imply you can solve their problems in 5 minutes of idle chatter > on problems they have worked on for 5 years or more.

You cannot show me any msg posted by me in which I've implied such. I've
been working on this problem for more than 29 years. When I write, it's
from the complete body of that work, and everything I've written
constitutes an advancement of the Science. (I understand that, to some,
what I'm doing is an "embarassment.)

> 3) You refuse to actually post your theory AoK to the newsgroup for
> legitimate discussion, even though I doubt it is worthy of one.

I send it out by email, only after I've received permission from folks
to send it to them. I sent such an offer to you, but it came back
"undeliverable" because I'd not edited the spam blocker from your email

I've refrained from doing a web page mainly because, if I do such, it'd
contain stuff that'd cause folks problems. (I also have a distaste for
the self-agrandization that's implicit in web pages. Perhaps you doubt
the sincerity in my saying this, but take an accounting... my work has
cost me over $500,000 to do. Beyond the $, its cost me Life, itself. I'm
scorned as a "failure" even in my home town. Not only is there no
possiblity of anything coming to me, outside of my daily acquaintences,
very few folks even know who I am. I'm just here doing what a Scientist
must, not expecting anything in return, except, hopefully, an
opportunity to discuss the Science, in person, with folks having
Neuroscience backgrounds, and hopefully, but not likely, the opportunity
to be able to actually do my work full time. I've a great distaste for
putting anything before Truth. Such was born in my experience while
trying to bring my research findings forward.)

> So for all these reasons, don't expect to be treated fairly anymore, since
> you hardly treat anyone else fairly around here.


Look, volcanic-erruption guy, I bring Truth here. Look around, and
you'll see such is in short supply. Then, maybe you'll find some worth
in what I'm doing.

Now, I give you everything you've posted while I've been here since
12Oct98. Show me anything you've posted that constitutes a leading-edge
discussion of Neuroscience.

You cannot do so.

So what's your point? ken collins

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