OK, for the sake of good will we should end this bickering. As unlikeable
as I find them, I will try to ignore your posts and I expect you will do
the same.
ps. I post under a pseudonym because I use a shared computer and people
around here are too lazy to change it to their own. So this way it is not
necessarily implied that I made the post - for a long time I was getting
nasty messages from angry Packers fans, which I knew nothing about - but
of course you can send me email, and I would be happy to receive your
theory as an archive. Also, I think if you really spent 29 years and $500K
developing it you should try to publish it. If you feel that the
scientific community is out to get you, you should publish it as a book,
which is usually not reviewed by anyone so you can publish anything you
want, but of course, you can publish it for free in many journals.
In article <3690359F.B1A1165B at pop3.concentric.net>,
kkollins at concentric.net wrote:
<snip, snip>