"Abductions" DO NOT exist :They are misinterpreted sleep phenomena

SJC84 S.J.Ceaton at bton.ac.uk
Sun Jan 3 10:44:15 EST 1999


Robert Byer wrote:

> >
> > Heard of any eleven year olds shooting up their classmates in Europe
> > recently? There's American culture for you!
> >
> No, but I can't recall the last time one of our International Airports was
> closed because someone was lobbing mortors into it (i.e London a few years
> back) or for that matter, our ratio of car bombs over that of Europe is
> much lower (counting Oklahoma City and the World Trade Center bombs).
> Violance is violance weather it's guns here or car bombs their.
> I will also point out that the shooting in Scottland was carried out by
> a person that had obtained his hand guns and permits legally.
>  +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
>  | Robert Alan Byer       | A-Com Computing, Inc.                      |
>  | Vice-President         | 115 W. Washington Street, Suite 1165       |
>  | A-Com Computing, Inc.  | Indianapolis, IN 46204                     |
>  | Phone: (317)673-4204   | http://www.all-net.net/                    |
>  +------------------------+-----+--------------------------------------+
>  | byer at mail.all-net.net        | I don't want to take over the world, |
>  | http://www.all-net.net/~byer | just my own little part of it.       |
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