extra limbs result in brain changes...?

Rebeca Mojica rmojica at mcs.net
Mon Jan 4 13:19:36 EST 1999

I am searching for information on people that are born with an additional
limb.  I am curious to find out what happens neurologically if the person
keeps that extra limb for their whole life (or for a few years at least).
This may sound like a strange topic, and in all honestly, I haven't been
able to find anything on-line yet.  Not sure if perhaps there's some sort of
technical medical name I should be using instead of "additional limb."  A
co-worker told me that a condition like this doesn't exist, but I can't
believe that out of the billions of people born on this planet, there
haven't been a few who (unfortunately) have an extra arm or leg.

Does anyone here have any ideas where I could turn?  I apologize if you
receive this post again in another newsgroup.  As I find more groups that
may be able to help, I might post again.

Thanks in advance,
Rebeca Mojica
Chicago, IL

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