Brain Use/40 hertz

DK cooper17.spamless at xs4all.nl
Mon Jan 4 07:10:20 EST 1999

Walter Eric Johnson wrote in message <76npbc$kbp$1 at news.tamu.edu>...
>DK (cooper17.spamless at xs4all.nl) wrote:
>: Here, I thought of an analogy: right now I am using 50% of my limbs,
>: I am typing but sitting. I do not describe my legs as "dormant", even
>: they are not in use at this moment, nor do I say that I only use 50% of
>: limbs, even if I had a tendency to only use two at a time.
>Even if you are not moving your legs, you are still using them -- just
>not in the manner that you are thinking.  One common problem for people
>who are paralyzed is that blood pools in the legs because of gravity.
>Your leg muscles actually aid the heart in circulating the blood.
>You may also be using your legs for balance while you are sitting still.
>Eric Johnson

Fair enough, good point, etc. It also seems to me to reinforce my point that
the idea that any part of the brain is normally "dormant" or "not in use" is
by much the same token very likely to be false!

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