sgarriott at wrote:
>I know that this may be a strange question, but I've always heard that old
>cliché that human beings on the average only use about ten percent of their
That must be part of the sequencer using motoric areas, as given the
stupidity of many peoples actions I guess most of the own areas and
the front should be among the 90% that I guess are then braindead.
> My kids and I were talking about that, them asking what the other
>ninety percent was for.
Hollow space that some people try to cover by buying bragomobiles to
drive around in or wash all day long or something like that.
Simplified the sequencer drives the bragomobile and is to do with
movement areas, especially the thalamus and striata.
The third emotion generator = eg.3 is hoped to be amped with a
bragomobile, as eg.3 is hatching rankfighting and aggression programs.
When hearing a joke about someone else having a (?) mercedes class A
not passing the elk (curve) test and being the first car where the
floor can be used for advertising,
then together with own areas that might activate the eg.6 hatching
The own cholinergic limbic areas with the hippocampal areas as a base
might use the front to calculate effects that the bragomobile might
trigger in others, and maybe in part of the cingulate gyrus imaginary
games are played in context with it,
while the occipital cortex might be in use while scanning the streets
for others' bragomobiles.
After continuing such a list for a while that leaves little
once you leave away all that is to do with bragomobiles and the rest,
and maybe that is why some people are believe that some other people
are just using ten percent of their brain?
> But I guess my question is: What do "people" (namely,
>those who have some kind of background in neuroscience) mean when they say
>that we only use ten percent?
Tricky, as they usually do not say that.
By now they have stuff like talking about spikes and potentials of the
hippocampal areas but leaving out that they are talking about I areas,
which sometimes would be pretty hilarious to read
if they'd not use those of persons of other mammal races.
Claude has just arrived at wondering about resonance after several
thousands of years of magic, but maybe that will see to some progress
and catching up, at least if he drops his consciousness whatever.
To read different theories about memory systems is rather amusing at
times as well,
though even funnier I find it if Mr. Frankenstein is going through the
slings and arrows of his special eg.3 shows and throws,
crowned by his chosen profession at the end.
Simplified you can imagine these to be graceful displays
of remarkable correlations of areas of the hypothalamus, frontal
cortex and cholinergic limbic system,
the intellectual degree of which is amazing.
Your ten percent I unfortunately did not recall, apart from being
loooong before called wrong.
Since some concussion two of my memory systems unfortunateldy
suffered, so that I sometimes do major errors, so excuse me if
anything here should be wrong.
Last on the agenda I recall
messing people up more with drugs after failing as a healer
and then frying their frontal lobes till they get epileptic fits,
cutting the arms of mokeys to find out if something might grow a few
looking for some stuff to cause other persons of other mammal races
epileptic fits and damage their brains,
and people wondering about how they might build artificial
intelligences as slaves till maybe some day they are killing humanity.
If you wish for stuff along the line of seriousness of ten percent
check under "consciousness", "mind", "subconscious", "THE memory" and
cholinergic limbic theories not mentioning I areas.
... Sorry for not being serious; I actually had started a serious one
on the start based on LSD-MBD-perceptions of the brain but since you
wanted some kind of neuro-background I deleted it again and decided
that this is more fun.
BTW, how many percent of your muscles do YOU use?
And I do not mean sort of automatic programs, I mean you really
centrally steering into the muscles, being aware of all or most of it
and YOU using it?
Maybe start with wriggling some fingers while your lower arm is tensed
and watch the different muslces and try to perceive all of them well,
then take in all the different muscles in the hand and more and
And remember to stay aware of all of them at once, prerably every
little bit of every muscle.
How many percent of your muscles can YOU use?
How many percent do YOU normally use ?
(And I do not mean "automatic stuff".)
How sensible do you find it to spend so much concentration on each
single muscle and to try to use it yourself,
and while at it do you have the impression that that is good or that
without you whatever it is that you are doing would worl faster, more
efficient and less disturbed, and that then you had more capacities
free for more interesting stuff?
And how well can you dock into your heart beat and slow it down or
raise the speed?
Or in other words:
I am in my brain a sort of cholinergic limbic energy selector into the
cingulate gyrus with the hippocampal areas as my base.
I am a priorty giver.
I am one of the two sort of CPUs of the brain (the other is to do with
supervising movement sequences).
It is not my central task to use emotion generating areas, sequencer
CPU areas, and some other areas within the brain.
Like organs in the body different regions in the brain are for me like
organs, too.
As a central of course I do have a lot of emergency overriding powers
into several areas in the body and brain, but that is not meaning that
I am to use them all the time.
"My playground" is the front half of the cingulate gyrus.
Before I had some concussion I liked to go playing there at times, and
it seems meant so that I use it.
But even there there are many limits if how I may use it.
Not all that I can do is necessarily good.
The same as you might be able to dock into your muslces and your
heartbeat and alter there,
to be able to use something does not mean that it is good to use it.
Far less all all the time at once.
One of the few places where I ever thought about it in percent was
when two friends nagged me big time that I am to unite the CPUs of the
brain that for me (MBD) are autist fashion running segregated
normally, though they are interfacing a lot.
Which after some fail I even considered slightly dangerous also made
me realize that I had not even gotten 50 % it seemed, so that my guess
was that if I center on it 100% I get about 40%.
>... that there are actually places
>in everyone's brain that remain dormant, never, or hardly ever, used?
I do not wish to answer that question.
>Or does it mean that at any one time we have ten percent of our brain capacity functioning?
>It could also be some other perspective that I hadn't considered.
Consider the perspective of what Carlos Castaneda is calling "seeing"
and what here we call "hellsehen" and what some might call perceiving
on the transcending ranges.
>Anyone's ideas on this or a source I could consult for this would be
If learning to repeat read stuff a lot, there might come a point where
you just read a lot of lines a few times, and then know then, and
eventually some maybe even can do so with entire pages.
Possibly those ten percent had to do with something to do with that?
Or someone simply took a guess of how much he used.
You could read about different glia and neurons & what is going in in
Or about which areas of the cholinergic limbic system (apart from the
substantia innominata) are interfacing with which other areas how
often, and then look at all according areas and figure the whole load
up and come with percent numbers.
Can tell you straight, though, that there are differences with
different people(s).