Mechanisms of Grandiosity
...that so many of us here seem to have in such abundance:
flefever at Frank LeFever) wrote:
>How naive of us to think that someone around whom the whole world
>revolves could be impressed by our frail human attempts at pointing out
>his errors...
If you'd be as or more critical concerning yourself as others you'd be
And I am impressed with how unconstructive your criticism at times is.
For people who do not claim to have anything to do with healing that
is different, but true healers tend to have a tendency to not aim at
themselves and feeding off their third emotion generator like some
male teenage prol.
And are you referring to some kind of own multiple personality with
"US" or what? Me you certainly do not mean, apart from that I am of
course of the First World of the universe according to my education,
and therefore prefer to have that revolve around me.
Maybe your frail human attempts would be more effective if they would
seem less like eg.3 ruling your areas and eg.1 more, or if at least
there was nothing seeming to indicate that you are out for the slings
and arrows of some primitive rankfighting, and you were loving those
involved or at least estimating them highly.
As long as it is some rank thingie, I'd appreciate certain people not
to be WEing while going orcing, as the other orcs and megalomaniacs in
the round like to have their own rounds in that and not be WEd by
someone who's the type to recommend damaging others with drugs and
electricity to cover inabilities as a healer...
>kkollins at writes:
>... you'll find that =after= the Gulf War (which was Necessity),
What was Necessity about that?
>>all the "attacks", including the one
>>> that's occurring as I write this, have had one thing in Common...
>>> The "time" course, Inherent, is a veritable Reflection of what's
>>> occurred here in bionet.neuroscience, sci.techniques.xtallography
>and alt.religion.gnosis... my read is that all this goes directly back
>to the Attempted-Theft of the Understanding, at the NRL, in 1983.
>>> =Non-Elected= folks are coverin' their butts by _Wag[ging] The Dog_.
>K.P. Collins
Excuse me, but did you forget to wake up the front in the morning
after taking some stuff last night?
I can elect three people to hit you in the head and give me 30% of
what you own and call it tax as well and say that though you elected
against that that I was elected and therefore if I declare you and
whata you earn(ed) mine is O.K.
Election usually means it is unfree land, or there would be something
like Social Individualism or some other form valuing what in France
was called egalite highest.
>>Saddam Hussein =Deserves= to Fall =Hard= for his Murderous Ravaging of
>>the People of Kuwait, and his attempt to Dictate to the whole Arab
What nonsense are you babbling?
I do not recall any attempt of him to dictate norther African nor most
other Arab places.
But since you seem convinced of that would you tell me in how many
Arab places apart from Kuwait be tried?
And if his first language is Arabic?
If you are looking for Murderous Ravagings I recommend texts of
Amnesty International about the USA police,
and if you are looking for peoples occupied by force and killing, I
recommend to study the occupied lands of Red Indians of North America.
>>"Saddam", who by this "time" doesn't even know which way is "up"
I'd assume that up is where the bombs came down from occupiers of Red
Indian lands whose lands had never been attacked by Saddam, but who
seem to like to kill people elseplace; the murdering rate within the
own country and the blood it is founded upon never seemed sufficient.
To your information: Attacks on Kuwait are of the past, and if you are
interested in that you sure can tell me where Saddam got the money for
the weapons for the attack upon them from and what there is to land
claims he said to have made, and who ruled in Kuwait before and is
ruling there now?
I have not heard from attacks to Kuwait in a while.
Last war I heard occupiers of the lands of the Red Indians of North
America were attacking Iraq together with Brits where last I paid more
attention to them before that there seemed to be stuff going on in
Ulster that made me wonder if for a while the bombs would stop blowing
up people there.
There was no attack against Britain or the occupiers of Red Indian
lands within the Red Indian lands reported.
That people of Britain went killing in Iraq worried me, as we are
neighbours, and I would not like to have a war going between persons
from Iraq and Britain over my breakfast table.
Also this is not longer the age for wars, and if some maniacs go on,
some of those who claim that Nostradamus said that there'd be some
serious war before the end of this year might be right after all.
I am glad that in Russia and China some seemed to have seen the
seriousness of the situation.
I hope it is not too late.
And your UN references sounded rather odd to me.
If you look at who has the veto there and at the structure you might
notice that the UN is a power system and not much to do with freedom.
One look at Kurdistan already tells volumes about certain things.
I tended to joke that the Kurds should pump up oil or pretend to have
found something else of value in their area.
If the UN had any brains at all they'd apolgize to the people of Iraq,
offer to send volunteers with the reconstruction, make holiday
programs for people wishing to meet other people (especially in
Britian and the USA) and receive them back for visits, and request
Iraq if they could send teacher to the people and children of Britain
and the USA to learn their language to prevent future wars and
misunderstandings by the people coming to understand each other