Spike initiation in central neurones

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sun Jan 3 15:36:50 EST 1999

>If you haven't seen it already, you may want to check out: Kamondi, A., Acsády, 
>L., and Buzsáki, G. 1998. Dendritic spikes are enhanced by cooperative network 
>activity in the hippocampus. 


Hey bloke, that's I area base,
even if for years now they are trying to avoid admitting that,
so they can go on abusing persons of other mammal races.

>Journal of Neuroscience 18:3919-3928.  This paper 
>uses recordings from hippocampal pyramidal cell dendrites in vivo to look at 
>spike initiation sites, among other things.

And I am surrre that the person whose hippocampus it was 
was delighted to let them do the according "looking".

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