(To certain people [with the exception of one (2/5th)] : Skip.)
Patanie: Learn magic perception.
"\"Sir Knowitall\"" <spamdecoy.only.real.address.is.fellin at one.net.au>
>That is to say, it is all to easy to loose sight of that consciousness
Defined as what?
>is an emergent property of something that we will never be
>able to completely grasp in a detailed way with our intellects.
Excuse me, but most I know would either use their intellect to define
consciousness first,
or/and if seriously interested switch possibly even the front to old
perception functions
and if anything try to target with all sensory banks of the neocortex
and cingulate gyrus for what they are wanting to know
and possibly a load of body chakras or other centers as well,
depending on magic perception skills.
Neither using the own areas with the language structurer and the front
for definition of what you are referring to with consciousness
EXACTLY, nor using your magic capacities I doubt that you will come
> However, if we concentrate (re consciousness) on the by us *affectable* "levels of
>goings on"
...then the first thingie to notice is that powerful magicians tend to
get hundreds to thousands and more km far.
The next thingie I notice is that I am too lazy to practice even for
simpler stuff than that or simple telekinetics.
The next thingie to notice after that is that even if I were out for
some of the more complicated stuff, that the Vatican loved others as
much as themselves, that they have been burning down the carriers of
our knowledge here to force through their religion and now suck in
money via taxes via the ruling.
The next thingie to notice after that is that turning to the teaching
systems of the ruling - last gang straight wearing the name Christian
- are not teaching magic, are declaring children possession, and might
force them with their police from their parents maybe insisting that
they wish th educate them themselves, to then tell them that they are
to reduce perception to five senses.
And that if you were to ask them to teach you about the violet ranges
of telekinetics or the yellow ranges of Jesus or galactic
communication ranges, that they might goggle at you like sheep
faced with something beyond their capacities and against what their
shephard allowed them.
The next thingie to notice is that magical data has been classified
data for thousands of years and has often been connected with years of
moral training before releasing even just some of it to students.
And that there are astonishing few who are having any interest that
the common sheep is getting how to kill others who are hundreds or
thousands of km away.
And that most prefer that if the sheep stay sheep, and feed off some
of their base needs and are content enough to go working for others
and maybe make them rich.
> (i.e. if we especially do not waste to much of our limited brain
>resources on "the quantum level" of how it is that we can be conscious)
I am nor sure I am understanding the waste of the resources.
Just so that I know you are not babbling nonsense:
If a magician or someone who reached enlightenment is shifting to what
you call the quantum level and is perceiving about what you are
calling "conscious" WHAT resources is he wasting there exactly?
>then we have a chance to ultimately know what is required for a fullest and
>richest form of consciousness --- that is how to achieve a most fluently and
>richly integrated state of being alive and fully human
How do you know that that is the fullest and riches form?
I am nor fully human and I do not even get why I should aspire it the
way you are saying.
I believe more that because you are human you never could perceive
areas in your brain, and that your parents and your educating ones
sense censored you, so that you are not understanding magic at all,
nor what would happen if humanity would decide to go for cybermagic
for serious, and are therefore not even understanding what can be
affected by some humans.
>by way of having been fulfilled and so optimally "developmentally nourished" as far as all our
>"primal needs" are concerned.
So what if such needs for many would be to be alpha animal, and for
quite some violent sex with unconsenting victims?
Not to mention a load of other needs.
And conerning more modern stuff what if it were someone's want of the
own conscious areas - just for invented example of course - to take
out someone forever who has written here in this room, and to some
others send some who are defending people of other mammal races by
attacking back those who are harming them? And without that not
feeling at ease because without them gone the primal needs would
never be nourished to the point that they are content, because maybe
primal needs are extending to others who are suffering or were killed
because of those people, one of whom might even praise braindamaging
others of his kind, and there is the decision that that is the only
way to stop some folks?
Your fixation on primal needs seems to be overlooking that
neither would all following them make Earth a nice place,
nor might those feel content who are not just having primal needs,
nor are you seeming to notice that there are people who are not fully
human nor aspire to be so, nor that there people with primal needs
extending to other people some of whom cannot even live in freedom as
there are others preventing them from it.
BTW, if you were seeking to be richly integrated and your primal
needs worked O.K. some should tell you to avoid computer monitors.
>For one, we already "de facto" know enough to conclude that "Specific
>Hibernation Imploring Type (life-)Situations"
>tend to render us rather
>chronically "selectively *unconscious*"
>by means of (partly but quite centrally) our opioid-mediated "Actention Selection System" (or AS for
>short -- a light-making and otherwise pragmatically contrived alternative
>to "brain" or "nervous system").
Excuse me, but I do not believe anyone that he can hibernate until I
have seen that. I seem a little atavistic and have played with
hibernation programs, too, and personally do not believe that full
hibernation is possible for me, nor go unconscious because of such.
I would have trouble believing you that you can remain in the sleeping
phase naturally without waking up even just for 5 days in a row.
2 days I'd already find rather amazing.
Also even if I were to trigger for serious what for me seem
hibernation programs (and that is not a real hibernating) I am not
sure if that were wise.
>Another useful notion to keep in mind is that the aftermath of
>S.H.I.T.S.(from above) is "Conditioned-in & Hibernated, Hence Unconsciously
>Remembered, Stressors Effecting ("EVASIVE" - this is a shortened version of
>the most potent acronym of mine, namely AEVASIVE) Symtoms" [approximately
>abbreviated CHHURSEES, or CURSES].
Abbrvd terms R not hiding Capitalized Vagueness nor Errors.
>patanie at my-dejanews.com wrote in message
>>Les molecules ont-elles une conscience collective?
Mon francais est merde...
Et elles sont de quoi?
Et ca de quoi?
Avoire une conscience collective aussi?
>>I have found,recently(1997),a demonstrable definition of
>>what is human "consciousness".
Without mentioning that definition it is hard to agree or contradict,
but I find the mere singular already suspicious.
>>The discovery that consciousness is a phenomenon of "resonance",between
>>fractal-like memory domains,
Which memory domains are you referring to WHERE in the brain?
And what do you consider as fractal like about them?
Also I have made no such discovery in my brain as for me conscious
translates as bewusst and is therefore referring to the I areas.
But let's for fun say it is not to do with if areas are I areas but
all that counts is some memory stuff.
Me and the sequencer are seeming to use independent memory systems.
Therefore it should be plural.
But it is singular.
I can tell you without ever having met that person that
probably he's just some headblind.
I could not imagine any self perceiver to come up with crap like that.
>>made me think, recently, that it would be
>>interesting to see if resonances between biomolecules could be the source
>of what looks like a form of consciousness of DNA and biomolecules.
If I program a button on my keyboard to make a certain letter on the
computer, is that button then conscious of that?
If the A string on a guitar is swinging with another A string, is that
showing that it is conscious?
To me this sounds more as if you are trying to make resonance or
simple energy reactions being equivalent with consciousness.
>>How resonances between DNA and proteins could lead to the self-organising
>>properties of matter?
Matter as such is not just to do with DNA and proteins.
>>Your ideas are welcomed.
Don't confuse consciousness with resonance
nor life with matter.
I heard that in the double helix there is a sort of data canal.
Magically regarded far more seems to be correlated subatomically than
neurology assumes.
If such stuff interests you should seek magicians willing to teach
In case you do not know how to recognize practicers of magic, name
changer :-), I guess if you got me to meet in some bar here about
three days after some trip and got me stoned and made the focus and
energy like I say, if you are very fast within twenty minutes, if you
are slow within many hours I could alter your brain so you'd be able
to recognize magicians if you do not know yet how to do that.
However such is not an invitation to teach you what I know about part
of what you are after, and if you cannot accept that then it might not
be worth to hop over to Berlin for a weekend or something like that.