Memory Disorder

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sun Jan 3 15:37:09 EST 1999

Just wanted to add some stuff:

The ones with MBD where the language structurer (Broca's) is not
working in connection with oneself like with folks in average,
if those take LSD or "some other synapse-cork between sectors" 
and are logically still O.K. enough,
some of those might subperceive in the own I areas.

With certain dragon LSD that was stored a certain way and is neither
"too young nor too old" area perception might be learned from some if
at least  one of  the two is good enough in magic perception and both
have enough focus power to go for it.

To connect the third eyes on still more deflective "white" ranges,
and then send out off the occipital cortex in the back of the head and
aim to the sides of that of the other on preferably dark transcending
ranges is just sort of a simplified way, and I am not sure of  you can
really get sub I perception with that.

I usually need to link the occipital energies on certain ranges and
then need to off-line to my areas in the brain, and then to perceive
into the cingulate regions upwards in front of me for the energies of
the other, and then follow those out into the other cingulate gyrus,
and then I am "in front of the door" of the other one, and that seems
to me more suited to area sub-perceive the other I.
Though I do not know how to area link sub centers of the I, because
normally I can only link areas of the brain where I can perceive them
in myself and have more focus power within my head at the according
area at part of the linking procedure, than at the according area in
the other head.

Sort of like "seeing" the energies of an area on the other side and
immediately shifting to the according region  in the own head, till
they are vibed parallel enough.  So if the subperception does not
exist in either head I do not know how to do it.

And if just one head had it, it is not guaranteed that the other head
has it.

With some I can be aiming there like others might aim with a
flash-light to a spot  to realize that the other is blind.
But a few get it with a speed that it nearly seems like the natural
gift is there even better than within me, and that just no one ever
showed them and they themselves never had had the idea to try.

... With neurology remember that people cutting around in I areas of
persons of other mammal races are unlikely to admit what they are
doing to the public.

It is a base of neurology to declare people of other races the own
possession and to maim around in their brains.

I have heard of a congress last summer solstice here in Germany about
the physical equivalent of consciousness (notice the singular) where
the areas most damaged in Alzheimer were not even treated as main
topics, and, if I am not very mistaken, did not even pop up on the

Someone told me that when they went on abusing some ape all in the
room got up and applauded.

Therefore you usually do not find own I area discussions concerning
some cholinergic limbic areas as have been going on between
brainsufers years ago (when such stuff still interested me more, don't
know what is up there now).

Remember that murderers and imprisoners of people of other races are
often seeking some belief why what they are doing to others is O.K.
and that the own race is great  in such a form  that to abuse others
like that is not wrong for them.
So that neurology and the farmers and meateaters and zoos and other
"encagers" can continue.

Discussions about own I areas in the cholinergic limbic system were
even avoided in some Alzheimer discussions of neuro I have seen, which
was the first point since I came here that I "left this room" for a
while, because the stuff those people went on about instead made me
realize how little they really care and what they are really after.

Usually I find it rather amusing up to outright hilarious if Westies
ignore data up to several thousands of years old to make crappy
theories maybe followed by a load of their titles, and then others
even falling for it. 

But that with the Alzheimer went too far, because I once read poems of
people on the internet, where a parent had Alzheimer and for me those
went too deep to play the old neuro game of not discussing that we are
within the cholinergic limbic system with the hippocampus as a base
like all brainsurfer with according self-perception I ever met said.
Without understanding that we are within the cholinergic limbic system
I wonder how they intend to get far in understanding Alzheimer, though
I guess in order to be able to cut around in the I of another person
they might try to find a way to treat Alzheimer not admitting that.

Ever since I realized that even for so serious stuff they are avoiding
serious data that is between some years and some thousands of years
old, I started to regard this room even more not as a serious healer
room but some Westie absurdness and violence display,
where it is interesting to go when wanting to read about unconsenting
others living imprisoned and having their arms cut off, eye nerves cut
so that they are blind, areas of the brain taken out and other gross
stuff like that, many of the greatest crimes of humanity I have read
within neurology.

Persons who cut around in the hippocampal I of another person declared
the own possession might not tell you what you are after.
And other not them what they are after.

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