Spike initiation in central neurones

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sun Jan 3 15:36:53 EST 1999

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:

>Action potential initialization occurs =solely= as a result of ionic
>concentrations in the Rigorously-Topologically-Correlated extra-cellular
>space of dendritic tree and soma... all the factors which determine the
>ionic concentrations have to be integrated in a calculation with respect
>to a neuron's "decision" to "fire"... all such "factors" are as is
>described in AoK... the Neural Topology, which Rigorously-Preserves the
>Body-External-Environment Topology, and, hence, the External 3-D
>Energy-Gradient Topology is Rigorously-preserved at the  molecular
>"level"... and beyond, to the Ionic-Conductance "level"... and to the
>"Level" of "only" Energy... the "Automation of 'knowing'" results from
>such... As is briefly Explained in AoK, Understanding all of this, which
>stands Rigorously-Verified, to the degree of such Understanding,
>Eliminates the "Automation", leaving a Human Being where there was,
>formerly, just an behavioral-"Automaton". K. P. Collins

Surrrre, and if I myself or the sequencer are giving out commands that
is of course nothing whatsoever to do with the whole, nor if I decide
to override another sector.
Also subatomic correlations are totally irrelevant, and therefore it
should not be distracting from your theories that in my brain entire
sectors have been shifting function and correlation in response to
subatomic energies from other brains that mine was magically linked

I guess minor details like someone else starting to move my eyes after
I asked him to look out of them  are also utterly irrelvant when it
comes to your
>Action potential initialization occurs =solely= as a result of ionic
>concentrations in the Rigorously-Topologically-Correlated extra-cellular
>space of dendritic tree and soma... 

What I keep admiring in texts like these is that magic data about
telepathy is ignored that was thousands of years old 
at the times the Catholics started to kill people here to cover up
that Jesus was a magician and to declare a halo on yellowish
telepathic ranges some sacred thingie of some god.

Let me  put it simple: If I or the areas of the brain I call sequencer
tell the right hand to do something, then the right hand will usually
do it.

Your little firing soma dendrite whatever 
however will not see to that the hand is doing even just a single
chord on the piano  if me aned the sequencer are vetoing, unless maybe
you are finding probably brutal artificial ways of overriding mine and
the sequencer's commands.

>Koye wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> Does anyone have information on current research (i.e 1yr old or less) that
>> produced results that have thrown further light on the site of action
>> potential initiation in mammalian central neurones? 

THE site. Aha.
In mammals, as opposite to birds and what's hopping around in

No, sorry, just probably many thousands of years old stuff of magic
that could be summoned up to certain subatomic forms of akasha telling
areas certain stuff to which they react,
and that, as common within magic, I do  not tend to teach about to
most brains unless I deem them morally advanced enough.

The day energies in the brain start to interest you for serious learn
to perceive them yourself in different mammals, and then you might
notice that to synch with a cat is not the same as to synch with a
human, and when running readouts of signals even just of other humans,
say from Central Africa, Denmark, the Roma, Korea, South America and
with ancestors ways back from Australia, and people of different sex
and different ages, you might come to notice something. 

>> Also, does anybody out there know how to go about structuring a critical
>> review?


But if it were for someone conservative folks, 
I might be tempted to find some title for the work, 
list the topics or chapters,
in some prebla write about what the whole is supposed to be about,
then list different texts maybe with critical comments from others
about them, and then blab off my own stuff, and at the end mention

If it were for conservative jerks and be of relevance, then I might
even bother to go to university and ask around as I assume that there
should be people able to tell me what the current conventional form

>> Any information sent (to aao20 at cam.ac.uk) will be greatly appreciated.
Sorry, serious data about brain energy has been treated as secret data
for thousands of years, and that is here no different than it is with
many others around Earth.
Imprisoning and abusing persons of other mammal races will not
compensate the deletion of own magic data about the brain in the time
of the Inquisition nor will make it up that many children in the
Westie system are raised to cripple themselves down to five senses, 
nor will give them back the axons and settings that were not kept from
the start on, nor will compensate that as an embryo they did not have
telepathic contact, nor will take the grude that many of the peoples
have where Westie systems disbehaved in the past and that is making
many not wish to teach Westies about brain energies.

To mess around in others' brains against their consent the way it is
done now is not going to bring them subatomic understanding of brain

The mere generalizing of so many neurons and that of all mammals but
differentiating them from all others is sounding rather odd to me.

To me your question sounds like someone asking me how deep to hit the
gas pedal of a car so that the car starts to move.

And me wondering that even if he knew the average made for all cars,
what good that would do him,
as neither what is under the hood of the car nor the driver seems to
play a role there.

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