> From: cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de (Cijadrachon)
> Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 21:30:08 GMT
cz> flefever at ix.netcom.com(F. Frank LeFever) wrote:
>Of the 12 headings my browser pulled up this evening, 9 were by
>kkollins--including this one the fifth in an un-interrupted string. I
>realize the fellow is having a hard time maintaining his self-image,
cz> At censoring again?
This is no more `censorship' in the manner you are suggesting, than
removal of a tone-deaf amplified Kazoo player from the set of Wagner's
Ring Cycle would be `supression of creativity'.
Kkollins has many groups in which to deposit his virtual masturbation, as
have you. Complaints to his ISP, when his posting exceed the norm for a
rabid Net-loon, is the polite way of getting a message through to him.
Experimental testing of his claim to be a `computer expert' would be a
more humourous way of doing the same thing. It is a mark of the ethics and
tolerance of the regular members of this group that such has not occured,
regardless of his patheticaly sad suggestions to the contrary.
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