In article <368E7DF0.D4DB332 at>, kkollins at
>dag.stenberg at wrote:
> >
> > kkollins at wrote:
> > > Your post constitutes Libel. K. P. Collins
> >
> > > Krakatoa wrote:
> > > > No, most of what he posts is just totally worthless garbage. Turns
out the
> > > > same is true of what you post. What a surprise.
> >
> > I had to look up "libel" in Webster's to be sure, but:
> > It seems to me that in order to show libel you must prove that his
> > allegations are unjust or false. Fortunately, this is not a court of
> > law.
> >
> > Dag Stenberg
>> I stand on what I posted, Dag. The comments constitute Libel be-cause
> they use my person, in a 3rd-party way, to demean another person.
>> Doing such places my person in the untennable position of being involved
> in criticism of a 3rd person through no choice, or action, of my own.
>> On my own behalf, I do not pursue redress in such matters. But I'm
> obliged, and always stand ready to pursue redress, on behalf of the 3rd
> parties.
>> My purpose, short of a request from any 3rd parties that have been
> demeaned through the Libelous use of my person, are Educational. This
> sort of 3rd-party Libel is totally unacceptable, and it's important that
> folks get such straght.
>> K. P. Collins (ken)
Basically, the people in this newsgroup (including myself) have tried to
be fair to you, but you have totally taxed everyone's patience in a number
of ways:
1) you insist on being heard, despite not listening to anyone. Mainly this
is accomplished by posting 5 messages, usually off-topic, but usually so
nonsensical they cannot be determined to be off topic or on topic, to
every message. This sort of drops the signal to noise ratio for the entire
newsgroup to the minimum.
2) you are extremely arrogant and insulting. You insult legitimate
scientists by suggesting they misrepresent data and steal people's ideas
(including your own). You also imply you can solve their problems in 5
minutes of idle chatter on problems they have worked on for 5 years or
3) You refuse to actually post your theory AoK to the newsgroup for
legitimate discussion, even though I doubt it is worthy of one.
So for all these reasons, don't expect to be treated fairly anymore, since
you hardly treat anyone else fairly around here.