Perhaps the simplest response to this type of question is retorical.
If humans used only 10% of their brains, then should it not be possible to
remove the other 90% with no obvious effects? Which parts are you willing
to part with?
Ludicrous, yes?
At 12:55 PM +0000 1/3/99, Walter Eric Johnson wrote:
>DK (cooper17.spamless at wrote:
>: Here, I thought of an analogy: right now I am using 50% of my limbs, because
>: I am typing but sitting. I do not describe my legs as "dormant", even though
>: they are not in use at this moment, nor do I say that I only use 50% of my
>: limbs, even if I had a tendency to only use two at a time.
>>Even if you are not moving your legs, you are still using them -- just
>not in the manner that you are thinking. One common problem for people
>who are paralyzed is that blood pools in the legs because of gravity.
>Your leg muscles actually aid the heart in circulating the blood.
>You may also be using your legs for balance while you are sitting still.
>>Eric Johnson
Richard Hall
Comparative Animal Physiologist
Division of Sciences and Mathematics
University of the Virgin Islands
St. Thomas, USVI 00802
rhall at