Tuning of a neural networks realizing insights
genia01 at my-dejanews.com
genia01 at my-dejanews.com
Sun Jan 3 15:12:38 EST 1999
I have sent recently the following letter sub title
Schumann's resonances as a 'medium' of the influence.
to sci.physics and your group, using the cross-sending
procedure of the dejanews.However I dont see my text
in you archive,therefore I am sending now the improved
version sub title:Tuning of a neural networks realizing
insights o the address of your group.Anyhow if you recieve
my message the second
time excuse me !
Andrzej Brodziak
Jack Sarfatti in the letter sub title "Poem from Gary Ford "
,sent on 1998/12/26 wrote:
>The idea seems to be that we live in a conscious universe.
>The universe is evolving in order to concentrate its
>consciousness into faster rates of experiencing since the
>universe as a whole is only conscious over the Hubble time
>as a single moment it needs smaller lumps of quantum
>coherent matter like our brains to experience faster.
>Now many of us on this list are experiencing evidence of
>intervention by advanced intelligence. George Ryazanov calls
>them "angels". Nick Herbert calls them "aliens" and has
>erotic experiences with them. I experienced "cold metallic...
It seems to me[A.B.] that it would be elegant to be able
to explain how the "intervention of advanced intelligence
are realized !
We cannot neglect the very known physio-
logical phenomena as the brain's electrical activity
("firing") of a particular neural networks during the time
of the imagination (let as say ,of a completely new idea,
e.g. that : T(orch)= Tao/N ).
As we know PET and NMR tomography is able to visualize
the area of the brain activated during some particular
perceptions or imaginations.
In my paper sub title .:
"The unit of a neural network modeling the recall of
mental images by oscillation of the feedback loops
caused by a change of the set -point signal" accessible
now also under
I am describing the neural net (and also an electronic
, algorythmic ,and computerized-programmed model)
which is able to a conscious (when reproduced)
The model emphasizes how
much the induction of the image of an idea depends from the
value of the set-point of a superior cell(neuron) of
a hierarchical structure, which realizes a particular
The set-point is "set" by some superior,
external, environmental conditions. Of course, when
a neural net is already aroused then some "post-quantum
phenomena" (or as real as D.Deutsch's 'quantum computer
phenomena') are evoked in the net determined by
the superior neurons of the "graph"(scheme). Transmissions
between these neurons are : "orch" (orchestrated-in
Penrose's sense ) ,according to {1}. A "post quantum
phenomenon of the type Q* <-> B occurring in such a net
determines a "particular shape " existing only in the
configuration space (in D.Bohm's " implicate order").
Hence, my [A .B.] thesis is that: The most important
ideas are evoked in human brains of some individuals with
particular "histological (anatomical) structure". These
people usually have enormous quantity of astrocytes (gial
cells of central nervous systems (brain)). The "anegdotal
prove" could be the fragment of the book of Higfield
R. and Carter P.:"The private lives of Albert Einstein",
Faber and Faber Ltd ,1993 (page 326-327). R. Highfield
writes: [This morning dr Thomas Harvey did the autopsy of
Einstein's body ... shortly the Einstein's brain had much
of astrocytes].
These individuals are sensitive to the
changing emission of solar radio waves and positions of
subsequent 'coronal holes' which are enormous magnets. So
called "solar flux" (see the plot of the actual situation,
accessible under: http://dxlc.com/solar/ is related
also to the "sunspot number" and the the velocity and
the speed of so called "solar wind".
The first notice about
the particular sensitivity of some people was raised by
dr Kay Redfield Jamison (see her books: "Manic - Depressive
Illness, "Touched with Fire", "An Unquiet Mind", her article
in Scientific American, 1995, and especially the interview
with her, performed by Kristin Leutwyler -Scientific American,
Dr K.R. Jamison raised also the topic of so called
UBO ("unidentified bright objects) found very often through
NMR tomography in brains of people with manic - depressive
illness who often are "periodically" very creative (like
Robert Schumann, Byron, V.van Gogh). These UBO ("unidentified
bright object") are characterized by prolonged "T2 relaxation
time" (the notion from the realm of NMR tomography) which
signify (roughly speaking) that the their consistence is more
"elastic". These small "centres" can be often identified,
from the histopathological point of view, with "seats" of
increased amount of glial cells ("gliomatosis, "glial scars").
Gial cells (astrocytes) are very sensitive for some values
of EM field, especially ULF-EM waves which change during
electromagnetic storms and during 11-year solar periodical
(cyclic) activity changes. Anyhow these UBO (a kind of natural
implants) are composed from particular tissue and can be
mistaken, now and in the future with "artificial implants"
especially that they are found in the heads of creative people.
I am discussing that intriguing fact of "natural implants"
("seats") in the chapter sub title "The implants of the
'Superior Alien' " in the book accessible now only in a
"coded" language :- ) The title of the book is : [ "The
Solar Storm is Coming" ]. The book in "coded language is
accessible under:
There are probably three types of the mentioned "sensitive
individuals" (probably with slightly different "histological
brain structure"). i.g. (a) the creative people, (b)politicians,
© spiritual guides.
At the "peak" of solar activity the most
active are: [a] "the creative people"; when the solar activity
decreases: [b]"the politicians take over the task". At the
period of the minimum of the actual cycle of the solar activity
"phrophets (messiahs)" sometime undertake their activity. New
religious concepts arise usually in minds (in the heads)
of some particular people during periods of "low solar activity".
New scientific concepts are evoked in human minds at
"peaks" of cyclic solar activity, which occurs at the
rate ± 11 years]. Former and relatively new religious
concepts occurred always in periods of "low solar
activity" [see the diagram of the cyclic solar activity,
published by Elisabeth Nesme-Ribes,Sallie L. Baliunas and
Dimitrij Sokolow in "Scientific American", 1996, nr 8].
My "hypothesis" is conformable with data related to
ancient cultural events and "older revelations"
[see data in: Stephenson F.R., Wolfenbdale A. (Ed.):
Secular solar and geomagnetic variations in the last 10000
years, NATO ASI Series, 1982, Series C, vol. 236] and
data about the main "modern", most recent religious
"novelties" like the: (1) the appearance of "Moroni's angel"
to Joseph Smith on 21.09.1823 (the foundation of Mormon's
Church), (2) the publication of the first edition
of the Mary Baker-Eddy's bible in 1875, i.g. the foundation
of the Church of "Christian Science", (3) the activity of
Lafayette Ron Hubbard, the foundation of the Church of
Scientology on 1953.
As a conclusion of above remarks I am formulating the thesis
that the mental activity of humans is probably controlled
by a " kind of superior intelligence " which send his messages
trough stars as emitters. "Advanced intelligences mentioned
by Jack Sarfatti influences us probably by means of
Schumann's resonance.
[1. Schumann W.O..: Uber die strahlungs
-losen Eigenschingen einer leitenden Kugel, die von einer
Fuftschit und einer Jonospharenhulle umgeben ist. Zeitschrift
fur Naturforsch. Ung,1952,7a,149. 2. Setman d.d. , Fraser
B.J.: Simultaneous observations of Schumann Resonances in
California and Australia. J.Geoph.Res.,1991,96,15973 3.Williams
E.R.: The Schumann Resonance: a global tropical thermometer.
Science.,1992,256,1184 ]
It is not completely paranoid idea.Giordano Bruno proved
that it is very interesting concept,
however the progress about his ideathat the stars have a kind
of the "soul"doesn't proceeds.
More detailed discussion is accessible under:
Andrzej Brodziak
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