Dental injection & facial nerves? (Was: Re: Facial Nerve Damage)

Brian Sandle bsandle at southern.co.nz
Fri Jan 1 19:11:29 EST 1999

In sci.med.dentistry Joel M. Eichen <joele at earthlink.net> wrote:
: "spacey"

: Can be due to epinephrine 1:100,000 or 1:50,000 which when
: inadvertently injected into a vein can cause vaso-vagal syncope.
: (Light-headedness and fainting - physiologic response).

In regards my situation there was no feeling of faintness. My current 
dentist wants to be very careful. Some 6 years when we were discussing 
the subject I believe he said he did not use epinephrine (adrenaline). 

In one way that makes me wonder whether the injection might be spreading
further. Isn't the epinephrine intended to keep the injection from being
moved away by the blood flow? But I do not know what the orignal dentist
used. The current one says he uses mepivicaine, with none of the usual
preservatives which he says might cause trouble in some people. 

: Can also be due to an injection of anything including sterile water in
: a patient with very low blood pressure and a low tolerance for this
: kind of stuff.

That is interesting. ONe reason for low bllod pressure could be the
reduction in amount of blood as the body tries to keep the blood salinity
at correct level when there is too little salt in the body. Then I not in
the abstract I posted that sodium seems to protect the nerve of the
induced diabetic from the anesthetic. 

More seems to be needed to be known about these neurological troubles, 
judging from the www neurology bulletinn board posts.

 : Patient profile includes female, light-complected, and submerged
: (passive) reactivity to stimuli. Usually a history of this response is
: present.

: So various physiologic and psychogenic stimuli can produce a "spacey"
: response, if this is what you are referring to.

: As for "allergy," its extremely rare. This is called "anaphylactic
: reaction" and "spacey" does not apply. Urticaria, hives, etc does
: apply. This is a very dangerous condition.

Any connections to Bell's Palsy, herpes &c?

Brian Sandle

: Cheers,

: Joel

: Joel M. Eichen, D.D.S.

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