Brain Use/40 hertz

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Sat Jan 2 00:32:49 EST 1999

RonBlue wrote:

> [...]

> Neural then becomes the most important value
> in the brain suggesting that off is using the brain at 99% level an the 1% on
> has meaning only in comparison of the background of offs.
> PET scans of expert chess players illustrates the point.  Very low use of
> glucose as they play chess has been observed.

Your insights are correct. Minimal energy consumption correlates with
maximal order within neural dynamics.

Highest enery consumption within organnically-intact neural dynamics
occurs during the startle response. "Instantaneously" there's no
directed behavior, and no "thought"... just a relatively high degree of
Chaos, that consumes energy, but does no information-processing work.

Predatory animals take advantage of such by agumenting it with their
attack shrieks... leaving their prey "paralyzed" in neural Chaos (not
"fear"... not even "fear" can be converged upon within the
"instantaneous" Chaos inherent in the startle response).

Fortunately, our nervous systems are replete with powerful mechanisms
which do nothing but eliminate Chaos from within neural dynamics...
thankfully, except in the "instant" of the startle response, they're
always 100% in-use. ken collins

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