Help you how? Please focus your request! Are you interested in plant
defenses? wrong newsgroup, and I'm not sure Medline search would help
either--i.e. need to go to data base for plant physiology, etc.
For defense functions in animals, lit search in Medline should be
good--e.g. under mast cells. Probably best use "nitric oxide" as
subject term, and/or "NO" as text word.
For neural functions, Bredt & S. Snyder, Izumi & Zorumski, many, many
other authors would be relevant, in addition of course to searches with
key words/topics, such as "nitric oxide AND long-term potentiation",
"nitric oxide AND plasticity", etc., etc.
Be prepared for a flood of refrences. Best to LIMIT to "reviews"
and/or to "update" !
And, of course, don't forget "penile erection" (Viagra, sildenafil)...
F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychology Group
In <368A056C.24D2F91C at> "A. Winkler"
<f513wink at> writes:
>>I am a student from Austria and I need to get some information about
>research studies connected to Nitrogen monoxide. As recently
>NO has some purpose in synaptic transmission but also in many other
>areas such as plants using it to defend themselves against insects for
>If there was someone who could help me this would be great!
>>Mail to: f513wink at>