Krakatoa stephan at nospam.ucla.edu
Fri Jan 1 01:38:39 EST 1999

In article <76g07p$g7l$1 at usenet01.srv.cis.pitt.edu>,
mihalek at FORMULA1.smtp.anes.upmc.edu (Robert M. Mihalek) wrote:

> In article <76ev4g$5ne$1 at news.tamu.edu>
> wej3715 at scully.tamu.edu (Walter Eric Johnson) writes:
> > Come off it, Ken.  All you are doing is prancing around pretending
> > to be something you're not.  I can't imagine how you could be so
> > ignorant of the fact that everybody sees right through you, but
> > somehow you are.  You're so-called work is nothing but hot air.
> > You have no idea to "stomp on".  All you do with every post is to
> > show people that you are an even bigger fool than they thought.
> > 
> > Before you can be honest with everyone here, you have to learn to
> > be honest with yourself.  Somehow, I don't think that it is possible.
> > You're got yourself completely fooled.
> > 
> > Eric Johnson
> Can this be re-posted following each incomprehensible post by kkollins?
> Bob Mihalek, Ph.D. Molecular Neuroscience===================
> please remove the name of the RACE SERIES for e-mail replies
> ============================================================

Maybe he should just be forced to post a disclaimer: "most of the above is
worthless nonsense." I think this would satisfy most.

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