On the line or over the line?

Krakatoa stephan at nospam.ucla.edu
Fri Jan 1 01:32:46 EST 1999

In article <368a9739.26614842 at news.zedat.fu-berlin.de>,
cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de (Cijadrachon) wrote:

> Actually when not at Capitalized Babbling at times what he writes is
> more correct than that of some others.

snip snip.

No, most of what he posts is just totally worthless garbage. Turns out the
same is true of what you post. What a surprise.

> And I still recall you going off about slings and arrows 
> and babbling off personal attacks about a real short reply that he had
> made,
> that by others was confirmed as correct.
> >Do others in the newsgroup see a problem here? 
> Yes, your censoring attempts and that you are very often taking out
> personal moods in low style on people who did not di the same to you
> first.
> And that even when proven wrong 
> so that to me it seems obvious that it was nothing but a personal
> attack to take moods out,
> you are disgraceful enough 
> to not apologize about it to the person.
> Not that I mind orc behaviour of some, just then I'd not orc that
> other orcs should not be allowed to go for their stuff.
> Given the choice I rather have babbling about The Children than
> someone taking his bad moods out on people who did not do so to him.
> > Do others see a solution?
> Yes. Work on your psyche till the programs of your third emotion
> generator are having less powers in your cholinergic limbic systems.
> (Maybe get someone to explain to you about filtering or not
> downloading mails.)
> And learn that freedom of opinion 
> where it was censored in systems 
> is by many considered rather primitive
> and wrong.
> >>I flew halfway across This Nation to let a voice-filled-with-Genius
> >>course through me...
> >>
> >>...and, in the Truth that was-there, =Met-my-Never-Again-"Avoidable"
> >>Obligation=.
> >>
> >>I Guard Free Will.         
> Behind the last statement was his name,
> and in that I believe you can learn,
> censorer.

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