Budding neurologist

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed Sep 30 16:17:32 EST 1998

>Not everyone on earth is as bizarre as
>you are!
200 points.
> It is incredible that these should be under electromagnetic
Yes, that is why I like akasha better, as that seems  just one step
more vague but for  me uncountably more precise.

Only the control bit  then might still sound odd.

>But, what if I have proven it?
Well, given how old telepathy is and how long people have been
extending their ghost/spirit quite far away, it would be rather
rediculous if you mean that. That'd be like someone coming out of the
bush declaring himself being of  the First Bush and  you just of the
Third, and telling you with pride that he just proved  that 2+2  is
four and just did not get the 1 and anything past seven yet.
Do  me a favour and don't be like the cat guy-torturing guy not
getting where the data  of  Earth is, talking like some dumb
sense-censored Westie
If you mean you proved the exact principles behind "electromagnetic",
tell me what you mean with that precisely, it might be a bit more
interesting, as I wonder  how you'd generalize the many forms of
akasha of a brain  into two terms joined to one.
>> : Instead, they are taken in and
>> : stored as stimulus-specific electromagnetic particles.
Stored how?

> When travelling photons are teken into electrons of
>a metal,  an electric current arises carrying the photonic
>electromagnetic particles inside them.  How else could they have become
>so activated into flowing free electrons?   This also occurs in the
>nervous system.   If photons can become stationary inclusions in the
>electrons of photoelectricity, why can't they become the same in the
>nervous system? =

- Could there be a context between this and what I asked about the
peripheral (?)receptorstuff before?


> $125 ...  it's more than your money's worth. =
(Virtual polite caughing...)

Just that I LSD-wiped out most of the stuff about 3 of 5 memory
systems I knew about a bit,...  
about which before the concussion in my brainsurfer times  I could
have maybe written  ;-)  460 volumes, 
when I was short of telling Frank and had started some inner
presorting but fortunately  I came to see his true inner face first,
about 280, and now after LSD wiping most out and the consussion
seeming to make the keeping of data harder, having helped it hell's
fast along, too, maybe 14 thin ones, which I'd say is a good success
rate to pay back Frank my way, as I don't really need that data,
and going by what I heard from other brainsurfers about sector
accessing quite a bit wihtin the 266 gone likely  was unique,
...does not mean that I don't still have enough fractions left to know
that compared  to  what you said till now it is unlikely to be worth
$125, though maybe for them.

But comparing the vast data-bhoomm! at the end of my brainsufers'
times if (not lit., fig.:) entering "memory systems" into the "search
fields", the far lower but still quite structured one of more or less
faded  memories at entering here, and the shadowy, fractured, faint,
vague trickles now, I'd say give it some time; I run out of my very
magic type of LSD and assume that that might mean trying different
laced stuff again, that often is running such bad damages to areas,
especially in the front, that maybe in some years I might pay $125,
too, to buy some 666 000 kilometers of film to wind them around Earth
and hire a truck with a huge trailor or a train to get the freightage
of your books here.

When I have stacked up the last one you have written till then, so
that it is 14 cm  under  the ceiling and I have still some small space
to sleep on top as long as I don't breathe in, the old war-floor might
give in and rain your bliss upon the often noise-complaining older
woman living there, but I am sure that seeing  the  immenseness of
what you wrote, she'll be  delighted  to live with me on top of them
and wait eagerly for any more you might bless us with...


Sorry Cheng, just could not resist.

- Can  photons go  through  myelin?????????????

- According to estimates when did myelin originate?

- When does it develop in a human embryo ?


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