Acid Pope II to Yourney(wo)men into The Temple Of The Mind

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mon Sep 28 23:28:15 EST 1998

cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de (Cijadrachon) wrote:

>cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de (Cijadrachon) wrote:
>>ACID Pope II
>>(Remember, no hitting the RE button to this or any of my res to this
>>one, it is meant to be a sequence.
>>Pick other titles for REs in case you want to make one.)
>>(Didn't watch spelling much.)
(Diffferent post to  Ron ...continued...)
>Like in the brain within telepathy if you send in(to the other head)
>certain stuff sectors might catch it and the wave-shapes &
>pressures/tensions tell the sectors something, also if it is to belong
>together with stuff going on in other sectors.

The waves I "saw" in the sectors seemed not like what is between heads
when I link into them.
Maybe the stuff inside catches and amplifies the little magic
akasha-forms between heads or something like that.

(Sorry, not  very professional way to express it.)

If you want to understand the brain that's important.

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