Deep- vs. surface structure

Mentifex mentifex at scn.org
Wed Sep 30 10:45:44 EST 1998

Christian <christian.utboen at bi.no> on Wed. 30 Sep 1998 asks:
> Does anyone know which newsgroup they most probably discuss subjects
> like Deep- vs. surface structure, in terms of information systems.
  Let's discuss the subject right here in this pertinent newsgroup.

  Please first read up on the Default Standard Model of Mind online at

  http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/ "The Cyborg Syllabus"

  /^^^^^^^^^^^\ Deep Structure: Surface Structure /^^^^^^^^^^^\
 /visual memory\                    ________     /  auditory   \
|      /--------|-------\          / syntax \   |episodic memory|
|      |  recog-|nition |          \________/---|-------------\ |
|   ___|___     |       |              |        |    _______  | |
|  /image  \    |     __V___        ___V___     |   /stored \ | |
| / percept \   |    /deep  \------/lexical\----|--/ phonemes\| |
| \ engrams /---|---/concepts\----/concepts \---|--\ of words/  |
|  \_______/    |   \________/    \_________/   |   \_______/   |

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