Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium

Peter da Silva peter at baileynm.com
Tue Sep 29 16:56:20 EST 1998

In article <rbarris-ya023280002909981449450001 at>,
Rob Barris <rbarris at quicksilver.com> wrote:
>In article <6urfc0$p3t$1 at news02.btx.dtag.de>, mawa at iname.com wrote:
>> For example, consider Hitler. He is the product of an atmosphere of extremism

>Oh no, the thread's over already?

No, this is comp.arch so somebody has to mention the Amiga.

I nominate Jay Miner.

In hoc signo hack, Peter da Silva <peter at baileynm.com>
 `-_-'   "Heb jij vandaag je wolf al geaaid?"
         "Tell init(8) to lock-n-load, we're goin' zombie slaying!"

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