Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium

Peter da Silva peter at baileynm.com
Tue Sep 29 09:06:19 EST 1998

I'm being too subtle again.

In article <svy4stwup83.fsf at alpha.hut.fi>,
Andy Ylikoski  <ylikoski at alpha.hut.fi> wrote:
>>I'm thinking more about the political and social environment of our time,
>>and how Leonardo's posthumous cult of personality effects the people who
>>go around picking Men of the Millenium to toss on magazine covers.

>My opinion is that the achievements of American scientists by far
>surpass Leonardo da Vinci.

But the people who pick the Man of the Year aren't scientists and engineers.

TIME is a newsmagazine. It's run by the same sort of people who have built
a cult of personality around poor old hyperactive Leonardo. And *that* is
why I think he's more likely than any technologist.

In hoc signo hack, Peter da Silva <peter at baileynm.com>
 `-_-'   "Heb jij vandaag je wolf al geaaid?"
         "Tell init(8) to lock-n-load, we're goin' zombie slaying!"

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