Walter Eric Johnson wrote:
> =
> K C Cheng (kccheng at wrote:
> : Actually, if you truly want to know, my 20-p article on Mystery of =
> : mind was in 1986-7 accepted by Canada's Sci & Technology Dimensions.=
> =
> More delusions? It looks to me like a rejection letter.
> =
> But I'll look again and see if I read it wrong.
> =
> Yep. It was a rejection letter. There is a mention that they would
> be interested in a shortened version of less than 1000 words.
> =
> By the way, this hardly qualifies as a peer-reviewed journal. For
> all I know, it could be a magazine for and by kooks.
> =
> : Unfortunately, it went bankrupt before publishing my article. It no=
> : has been published and you can borrow one from the National library o=
> : Canada in Ottawa.
> =
> Published it yourself? Can't find someone gullible enough?
> =
> : But, it's not 1% as comprehensive as the video I am
> : making. If you are truly prejudiced by your facts and knowledge, yo=
> : would some day come to see who I am.
> =
> Yeah, sure. If I go up to Canada on my own, it will be to go hiking
> or fishing.
> =
> : Or else, nothing new would have
> : been presented by me to the world. But, I am presenting evidence t=
> : friendly and objective enough people to assess it. So, like I said, =
> : you could be contrituting rather than just criticizing, I think you
> : would have been more professional.
> : If you still have not seen that 1987 acceptance letter, you have not
> : spent enough time on my webpage.
> =
> I saw it. I remembered it. I'm not impressed.
> =
> : I hope this is the last time I have to talk to you. I am very busy.=
> =
> I bet you're busy.
> =
> This reminds me of a physics conference in 1978 or 1979. A professor
> from one school which has never impressed me was giving a ridiculous
> talk which should have been titled "How to give A's to freshmen in
> a course in Cosmology without requiring them to know any math or
> physics and without requiring them to learn anything in the course".
> When he was done, the people in the room gave a polite, but very short,=
> round of applause. A physicist from Germany who was sitting two seats
> away turned to the mathemetician (PhD in Mathematical Physics from
> Princeton) next to me and said "You Americans are too polite. In
> Germany, we'd have booed him off the podium."
> =
> Since then, I've tried not to be overly polite to kooks.
> =
> Eric Johnson
It's obvious that you don't respect anythng other than what you think is
impressive. Acceptance letter classifeid as "rejection letter" and a
reputable science editorial board classified as "kook." =
I don't think we should have this kind of totalitarian judgment around. =
Even if I were wrong, at least I have invented something others would
consider "factual and interesting." -What have you invented to make
you a better scientist than I? Ok, I know nothing of your maths, but
surely you know nothing of my inventions to be competent enough to pass
a judgment. If you can be as great as this "kook," lets see your
inventions. You talk as if you are better than Einstein. But are you
qualified to judge me? Why should the rest of the world be influenced =
and misled by your own "politics" in science? =
kccheng =BEG=ABa=B8s