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On Mon, 28 Sep 1998 08:44:58 GMT, Beast of Bourbon wrote about Re: Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium:
> On 27 Sep 1998 10:33:26 GMT, joecosby at mixqam.seatac.net (Joe Cosby) wrote:
>> >> Gold: da Vinci
> >>
> >Maybe my history is weak, I don't really know all that
> >much about the life of da Vinci.
> >
> >But did he really have any -effect- on the world around
> >him?
> >
> >He has always seemed to be a fascinating genius, and to
> >embody the knowledge of his time, but did anything he
> >did ever lead to other things in turn?
> >
> >He strikes me as a synthecist; making fascinating
> >-applications- of knowledge as it existed in his time,
> >but he doesn't seem to have really advanced anything
> >-novel-, at least not in any influential way.
>> Then you're limiting the scope of the "award" to one's influence on
> technological advancement. I'm being a bit more free in my considerations.
Well, influence in general anyway. I guess it starts to beg the question,
what exactly do we mean by "Person of the Millenium"? (Note politically
correct revision so as not to be burned at the stake)
I think in terms of influence, effect, but it could be taken a lot of ways.
> Leonardo da Vinci is the supreme example of the creative potential of a human
> being. His was "the most compulsive curiosity ever recorded," in the words of
> Kenneth MacLeish.
>> He displayed mastery, or did extensive studies, of many fields and trades:
> Aeronautics
> Anatomy
> Architecture
> Astronomy
> Botany
> Cartography
> Drawing
> Geology
> Geometry
> Hydraulics
> Mathematics
> Mechanics
> Metal Casting
> Military Engineering
> Murals
> Optics
> Painting
But was he good at 'Quake'? That is the ultimate test of accomplishment...
> Sculpture
> Zoology
Since I originally posted that I've been reading more about LDV, and I
may have been wrong-headed about him. He may have had more of an
impact than I realized.
But still, it begs the question: by "Man of the Millenium", do we
mean the most accomplished person, or the person who accomplished
the most?
Since we're talking about Time magazine, I suppose the actual criteria
will probably turn out to be a muddle of the two.
Joe Cosby
Devout member of the Church of Amiga since 1990
"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it" - Goethe