Calcium Buffering

Bruce McCallum mccallum at mcw.edu
Tue Sep 29 09:57:43 EST 1998

I have seen reference to computer programs for determining calcium
concentrations in the presence of buffers and other metals.  Does anyone
know where to find such programs.  The UMich, UTexas and MIT archives
did not have programs like this.  An article appearing in Science
273:1709 (1996) mentioned a program called CaBuf, but the author has not
responded to my inquiries.
Please respond by e-mail as well as by newsgroup.
Bruce Mc.

 |\/\/\/|  / BRUCE MCCALLUM, Ph.D.              \
 |      | /  Research Associate                  \
 |      | |  Department of Anesthesiology         \
 | (o)(o) |  Medical College of Wisconsin          |
 C  __  ) |  8701 Watertown Plank Road             |
  |   /    | Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226            |
 /____\    | Voice:(414) 456-5682                  /
/      \   | Fax: (414) 456-6507                  /
|       \  \ E-mail: Mccallum at mcw.edu            /
|        |  \ICQ # 3941083                      /

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