Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium

Brett Evill b.evill at spamblocker.tyndale.apana.org.au
Tue Sep 29 10:38:23 EST 1998

In article <6uqe4h$sen$1 at news.indigo.ie>, gerryq at indigo.ie (Gerry Quinn) wrote:

>In article <MPG.107905ecb9b1e91d9896e5 at nntp.mindspring.com>,
qed at pobox.com (Paul Hsieh) wrote:
>>I mean who are you going to compare against?  Edison?  According to some 
>>history books, he spent a few years searching for what ended up being 
>>Tungsten.  But the truth is, he commissioned lots of people to do that 
>>actual hunting, and he did not envision that amount of time it would take 
>>to find it from the outset.  Furthermore, I don't think he expended a lot 
>>of mental energy looking for it.
>That leads me to another nominee: Henry Ford, generally considered to 
>be the father of mass production.  But again, this may be the recency 

Personally, I pick Eli Whitney as the father of mass production.

Brett Evill

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