In article <KETIL-87u31q7tn3.fsf at>,
Ketil Z Malde <ketil at> wrote:
>Oh? So XEmacs and Samba doesn't count then?
Samba is an application. It's a damned useful one, if you have to deal with
the creeping rot known as Windows, but it's not part of the OS or a critical
tool to using the OS. Groff only counts because otherwise you'd have to
convert all your man pages to some kind of SGML DTD... though come to think
of it that would be an improvement.
As for Emacs, there are more programs that fit the niche "text editor" than
you can shake a stick at, and the one I prefer was written by the BSD folks
in the first place.
Personally, I would be happier if Emacs had never existed, so all the talented
hacker time spent expanding it had been applied to a halfway sane editor like
TECO, VI, or even EDIT/TPU. It's one of the footprints of the giants for sure.
In hoc signo hack, Peter da Silva <peter at>
`-_-' "Heb jij vandaag je wolf al geaaid?"
"Tell init(8) to lock-n-load, we're goin' zombie slaying!"