Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium

Brett Evill b.evill at spamblocker.tyndale.apana.org.au
Mon Sep 28 16:43:57 EST 1998

In article <6uom0v$dv7$1 at news.fas.harvard.edu>, pgowder at law.harvard.edu
(Paul Gowder) wrote:

>in <b.evill-2809981244530001 at tynslip4.apana.org.au>, 
b.evill at spamblocker.tyndale.apana.org.au (Brett Evill) did something
allowing me to incorporate a very witty verb in this line and produced:

>>As influential as 'In Praise of the New Knighthood'? As influential as the
>>'Confessions' of Augustine of Hippo? As the Bible? The Koran? Newton's
>>'Principia'?, Harvey's 'On the Ciculation of the Blood'? Galileo's "The
>>Revolution of the Celestial Orbs"? 'The Origin of Species'? Marx's
>>"Capital"? Smith's "The Wealth of Nations"? These have profoundly
>>influenced people even beyond the confines of the languages they were
>>originally written in.
>You forgot The Prince.  (my favorite book) 

I also left out 'The Golden Bough', 'The Interpretation of Dreams',
Einstein's papers on Relativity, Mao's Little Red Book, Keynes' 'General
Theory of Money, Interest, and Unemployment', Cranmer's 'Book of Common
Prayer', and dozens of others. I got tired.

Brett Evill

To reply by e-mail, remove 'spamblocker.' from <b.evill at spamblocker.tyndale.apana.org.au>

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