On 27-Sep-98 11:51:09 Bjørnar Bolsøy <bbolsoey at rl.telia.no> wrote:
> Dear Audience,
> While I certainly find this thread an interesting one - and find it
> mildly surprising that no one seem to have mentioned Leonardo
> da Vinci - "the man of both worlds" yet :) - would it be too much
> to ask to stop cross-posting to comp.sys.amiga.advocacy?
> - it's wrecking havoc on my daily 60 mins, or so, Internet
> schedule. :)
> Thank you for your attention.
Hmmm, lets' see,
http://www.neo-tech.com/finalevo/http://www.neo-tech.com/finalevo/evo-041.htmlhttp://www.neo-tech.com/finalevo/evo-049.html <- refering to the law of
And what is it that we do in any and all things we do? We make use of the
nine identified control points, as describe in the nine commands of the
And what platform was an inspiration that helped lead to the sight of
these nine control points? The Amiga with it's pre-emptive multi-tasking
and Inter Process Communication (IPC) that provided a need to identify
the Third, of the three primary user interfaces, of this unique tool we
call computer.
*3 S.E.A.S - Virtual Interaction Configuration (VIC) - VISION OF VISIONS!*
*~ ~ ~ Advancing How we Perceive and Use the Tool of Computers!*
Timothy Rue What's *DONE* in all we do? *AI PK OI IP OP SF IQ ID KE*
Email @ mailto:timrue at mindspring.com >INPUT->(Processing)->OUTPUT>v
Web @ http://www.mindspring.com/~timrue/ ^<--------<----9----<--------<
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