Is there a dominant ear???

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sun Sep 27 13:48:22 EST 1998

>Please note that Ron Blue did not post the above.
>Ron Blue
Uups?  8-(  Sorry.
>  In the somatosensory system perceptual anomalies such as
>phantom limb 

There is not just axon but also the magic connection between sectors,
and just that a finger  is off or something  else does not  mean that
that connection is gone.

But I am not sure sense-censored ones can understand that well.

Like in the brain within telepathy if you send in(to the other head)
certain stuff sectors might catch it and the wave-shapes &
pressures/tensions tell the sectors something, also if it is to belong
together with stuff going on in other sectors.

This is  within one brain or from telepathic brain to telepathic

!:...And  don't just watch the neurons, watch the smaller stuff, too.

The magic fields in the areas seem to do with the energies of the
small stuff.

If one area is gone that does not mean that the others straight stop
aiming their magic fields to where they are and straight stop getting
data  that way.

(Might sound  weird, but this was meant as sort of an odd  gift.)


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