Budding neurologist

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sun Sep 27 10:51:17 EST 1998

>"How to give A's to freshmen in a course in Cosmology without requiring them to know any math or
>physics ..."
Transfer magical data into their brain and teach them how to get past
the "atmo-shieldlayers" and out of Earth's grav and how to space out
heeding the old balance laws...
>"and without requiring them to learn anything in the course".
Well,  that'd you'd have to do a lot for that...   ;-)

>When he was done, the people in the room gave a polite, but very short,
>round of applause.  A physicist from Germany who was sitting two seats
>away turned to the mathemetician (PhD in Mathematical Physics from
>Princeton) next to me and said "You Americans are too polite.  In
>Germany, we'd have booed him off the podium."

US Americans I met tended to slime till a certain point, then sort of
show a frozen "reservedness" to then explode extremely
unconstructively and often with arguments that compared  to people
with A levels here and having studied sounded retared,
many also sounding psychologically extremely warped, even more than
some here.
The "mask-lie-culture" with unconstructive explosions saw to me
having extreme difficulties there to grasp the cultural rules,
opposite to many other places,  where I developed some sense for many
far easier.
I had the  feeling that some of the  number of nuts people had to do
with that, too.
As a culture the USA was holding the top record of real crazed out
people, rates of people going violent in weird ways also speaking

The countering forces are missing, lots of people are too worried to
get  shot to risk serious arguments, unless maybe from a computer, and
I had the impression as many are not used to it, they are not doing
very well in it. Could bne  wrong though.

Concerning smile-masks my US partner remarked that he finds people
from Japan closer to US-American  culture than Germans.

I find German  and US-American culture extremely far away from each
other and might feel closer related to Sudan, the Netherlands, Mexico
and many other places in inner culture.

There is quite a difference, though some here watch US T.V. stuff.

I don't like Germany particularily, to the opposite, but last time I
had been for some months to the USA I basically fled back here and was
relieved to be here again.

With my partner we tend to call the USA "Realm of the Slimers" and
Germany "Realm of the Grumps".

Originating about a  discussion if it is  worse  to have people grump
at you in  a shops in Germany or be in an USA  shop with signs saying
that if the employee is not greeting you,  thanking your for shopping
and wishing you a nice day, you may complain to the manager, 
and a row of folks sitting there with artificial frozen grins in their
faces, not fitting the emotions in the eyes, rattling off their parrot
stuff, only with less humour than a parrot and more reminding of an
emotional mask nightmare of human zombies in neonlight.

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