Budding neurologist

K C Cheng kccheng at postoffice.idirect.com
Sun Sep 27 21:30:46 EST 1998

Walter Eric Johnson wrote:
> =

> K C Cheng (kccheng at postoffice.idirect.com) wrote:
> : I do not care to prove to anyone with a prejudiced mind.
> =

> The standard complaint of crackpots - prejudiced minds.  In other
> words, you want listeners who know nothing about the subject so
> you can mislead them easier.
> =

> : Did Newton
> : ever care?  No.  Neither do I.
> =

> Another standard sign of crackpots -- comparing themselves with
> famous scientists or other figures.
> =

> : But, let the responsible international =
> : committees do the work.
> =

> This ought to be good.  Which international committees?  The
> Flat Earth Society?
> =

> : For all I care, you can go  dig Aristotle and
> : never read my books.
> =

> Actually, I have read some of Aristotle's writings, but that was
> nearly 25 years ago.
> =

> : Why should I care what books you read?
> =

> I listed them so you could attempt to provide convincing evidence
> that your writings are more important.
> =

> : Why should
> : I care whether you believe me? I don't owe you knowledge!
> =

> Another standard indication of the presence of crackpots -- they
> alone have the knowledge and the rest of us should listen.
> =

> : Why just =
> : never read mine instead of nagging me with your prejudices?
> =

> I must admit, I am prejudiced towards facts and knowledge.  Too
> bad you can't provide any.
> =

> : Your mind is
> : more than made up even before reading them.
> =

> I didn't make up my mind until I looked at your web page and
> tried to decipher it.  I've often changed my mind after making
> it up, but that requires strong reasons to do so.
> =

> : So long. No more from me.
> =

> Ta-ta.
> =

> : Maybe you have all the time on earth to nag others. I only have time =
> : invent.
> =

> Yeah, sure.
> =

> : The rest is trivia, not worthwhile responding to.
> =

> You mean like pointing out [a very limited number of] your errors?
> =

> Eric Johnson
Actually, if you truly want to know,  my 20-p  article on Mystery of the
mind was in 1986-7 accepted by Canada's  Sci & Technology Dimensions. =

Unfortunately, it went bankrupt before publishing my article.   It now
has been published and you can borrow one from the National library of
Canada in Ottawa.   But, it's not 1% as comprehensive as the video I am
making.   If you are truly prejudiced by your facts and knowledge, you
would some day come to see who I am.  Or else, nothing new would have
been presented by me to the world.    But, I am presenting evidence to
friendly and objective enough people to assess it.  So, like I said, if
you could be contrituting rather than just criticizing, I think you
would have been more professional.
If you still have not seen that 1987 acceptance letter, you have not
spent enough time on my webpage.
I hope this is the last time I have to talk to you.   I am very busy. =

kccheng =BEG=ABa=B8s

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