Time Magazine: Man of the Millennium

David Brower dbrower at us.oracle.com
Sun Sep 27 23:26:48 EST 1998

b.evill at spamblocker.tyndale.apana.org.au (Brett Evill) writes:

>In article <dbrower.906574832 at senna>, dbrower at us.oracle.com (David Brower)

>>Personally, I'm not all that swayed by individual contributions.
>>Those who cite giants, even Newton, need to consider how delayed
>>discoveries would be in the absence of such people -- Galileo was
>>inching on discovering gravity, so other may have done it within 50
>>years of Newton, and Euler did independantly discover the techniques
>>of the calculus.

>Leibnitz, not Euler.

Oops, that's probably one of the reasons I'm not likely to be a
candidate for the next millenium either.  Sigh.

"It's hard to find a black cat in a dark room.	| David Brower
 Especially if the cat's not there.		| dbrower at oracle.com
 But we will!"					| daveb at acm.org

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